Music Monday: All I Can Do (Thank You)

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I am shamed to admit how much I like having things my way.  I like getting the things I want and in my life, overall, I’ve pretty much gotten what I’ve wanted or gone after.  In the last six months, God has denied me two things that I thought I wanted.

One of these things, particularly, I was firmly convinced was in His will for me.  When the answer to my prayers over these situations was a firm and definite “No,” I expected to be upset.  But I wasn’t.  And the reason I wasn’t was because when I started praying for these things, so positive that I was walking in His will, doing what He wanted me to do, I felt Him asking me to re-evaluate the reasons I desired these things.  He began to reveal to me some very stiff penalties that I would have to pay should I get the things that I wanted.

At first, I blamed it on the devil.  He works like that, you know?  He can take a situation where God is leading you and make you doubt in the worst possible way.  Sometimes, he scares you off so badly that God doesn’t even get a voice in the matter.  But I began to evaluate my motives, my priorities, and my abilities.  All of those things were skewed.  None of them actually lined up with what I knew to be God’s truth for me.  So when God showed me what His will was for me, I could not be upset.

In fact, I was grateful.  It reminded me of some verses in the book of Daniel.  Daniel is a wonderful book about being led by God and seeking God’s will.  Here is Daniel’s praise for answered prayer in Daniel 2:22-23 (New Century Version):

He makes known secrets that are deep and hidden;
    he knows what is hidden in darkness,
    and light is all around him.
 I thank you and praise you, God of my ancestors,
    because you have given me wisdom and power.
You told me what we asked of you.

One of my new favorite songs is about recognizing the wonderful blessings that God gives us that we don’t deserve.  When you’re down on your knees tonight, don’t forget to thank God for all the things He’s given you…and for saying “No” to things that we think we desire but aren’t in His ultimate plan for us.

All I Can Do (Thank You) by MIKESCHAIR


11 thoughts on “ Music Monday: All I Can Do (Thank You)

  1. I can relate to this. There have been so many times I’ve asked the Lord for specific things and I’ve learned to look at my heart’s intentions, which many times are not from God – But God is so good and rich in grace that He takes that request and gives me something greater. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Edith. This was difficult to write about, even though I wasn’t upset with God or His answer to my prayers. It’s just really difficult to admit how selfish I am. But I promised God that when I started writing for this blog again (took a six month “unplugging” and just listened to Him), that I would operate in honesty and truth — even if it was embarrassing. Thanks for stopping by. God bless you today! Sandy

      1. Sandy,
        It is very brave of you to express yourself even when it’s a part of that you are not proud of. But healing occurs when we are honest with God and ourselves. People will always have opinions about things, but God’s opinion about you is what matters 🙂

    1. Thank you. It felt so good to write it. And God is just giving me ideas left and right. It’s so good to be headed in His direction again! Thanks for your support! Sandy

  2. Gday Sandy,
    Great Blog, I have been very blessed in what I have received (and protected from) by God. One of the hardest lessons to learn is being faithful even when the answer is No. My only consolation to you is that knowing God so intimately that you could sense his ‘No’ is a far more valuable gift than what you were asking for in the first place.

    God Bless


    1. I agree wholeheartedly. Thanks fir stopping by. I love your blog. Glad we can keep up with what God is doing in our lives. Blessings, Sandy

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