How Can I Keep from Singing: There She Stands

“There She Stands”  is the perfect Fourth of July song.


The first time I saw the title, I thought I was going to hear a song about the Statue of Liberty.  Instead, I heard this incredible song about our
American flag.  It is a symbol that so many take for granted.  “Old Glory” looks nice displayed on the front porch or worn on a tee-shirt.  If you attend sporting events, you’ve probably noticed that some people chat or remain seated during the presentation of the flag and the singing of the national anthem.  It always saddens and angers me to be in the presence of people who act this way.  With this behavior, they snub the sacrifice that many have made so that we can live in freedom.


Unfortunately, some people treat the cross of Jesus Christ the same way.  They wear it as a beautiful piece of jewelry or display it as ornamentation without giving a thought to the sacrifice that was made on that cross.

Before she died, my grandmother gave me a pair of small gold hoop earrings that have tiny crosses on them.  When she gave them to me over a decade ago, she cautioned that I should always be mindful of what I do and say when I wear a cross.  I wear my earrings every single day.  People see these crosses.  Rightly or wrongly, they make an assumption about the kind of person I am based on the fact I’m wearing them. I never want to embarrass my Lord with a poor witness at any time, but especially not when I wear His cross.


Am I always the ambassador He calls me to be?  No, I am not.  But when I look in the mirror and see those crosses or when I feel them gently dangle on my ears, I pause and take inventory.  I ask forgiveness for the times I’ve been less than ambassadorial for Jesus and strive to be a better witness for Him.  And I say a prayer of thanks for the act of freedom the blood of Jesus affords me.

 He brought me to the banquet room and His banner over me is love.  Song of Solomon 4:2 (New Century Version)

When you see the flag displayed and honored this Fourth of July, remember the ultimate banner of freedom and give thanks for the cross.

There She Stands (Michael W. Smith)